s.w. gillen painting services

Remember… We give FREE estimates with NO obligation.

Need something done and don't see it listed here? Call us and tell us about it. If we can't do it we can most likely tell you who can.

Interior and Exterior Painting

At Scott W. Gillen Painting, we pride ourselves on being a full service painting company prepared to serve all of your interior and exterior painting needs. Our goal on every project is to create a clean, dry, sound surface with the necessary profile or texture for paint to adhere properly. We employ the best painters in San Diego and use only top-of-the-line job materials. As they say, "you can put silk on a goat, but it’s still a goat." Our employees are committed to protecting all of your belongings (floors, furniture, artwork, cars, trees, shrubs, etc.,) from paint smears, splatters, and droppings. We work in a neat and orderly manner with little disruption to your daily activities, perform daily clean-ups, and keep an orderly shop. We also proudly adopt all standards set by the Painting and Decorating Contractors of America. see PDCA standards

Color and Design Consultation

As an artist, I understand that choosing colors for your interior and/or exterior projects can be overwhelming. Let us take the guesswork and fear out of these choices by offering practical advice and inspiration. When it comes to interiors, color can magically transform your home. It can dramatically change one’s perception of a space, divert attention from almost any architectural flaw, and can be a great mood setter. Color selection for your exterior surfaces can completely transform a house, giving it new character and style. We are here to help you understand the power and effect of color, and how to best pair color with the architecture of your home. We truly believe that the best color schemes are those that make you happy to be home.


We offer stucco repairs of all textures, and a full line of painting finishes for your stucco needs.

Drywall Texturing

From small patch repairs to the installation of new gypsum board, we consider ourselves to be drywall experts. Our employees are prepared to match just about any texture you desire. (See American Clay under Green Services for a popular new GREEN texture alternative.)

Baseboard and Crown Molding Installation

Installation of baseboards, crown molding, and trim are services that we frequently provide to our customers. If you desire custom-designed carpentry, we have a list of qualified carpenters that we would be happy to refer you to.

Wood Staining

We offer a full range of high performance finishes for all of your interior and exterior natural wood finishes. The stains we use create a protective film that provides a premium furniture-like look while still allowing the natural characteristics of your wood to shine through. Our staining experts can match almost any color stain you desire. Services and products include, but are not limited to: semi-transparent, semi-solid, solid body, decking, marine, geld, dye, and wiping stains. We also offer a complementary maintenance program on all of our stain work. We will contact you every two years to check on your finishes. Due to many of our client’s close coastal proximity, we recommend that South and West-exposed surfaces be re-treated every two to three years, and North and East-exposed surfaces be re-treated every three to four years.


Although I, Scott, am a professional painting by trade, being an artist is my passion. While my expertise rests in portraits, I am familiar with the best muralists in the business and would be more than happy to help you find the most appropriate artist for your project.

Cabinet Refinishing

Whether you are looking to refinish your existing cabinets or have new cabinets that need work, we offer a full range of premium furniture-like treatments. See "Special Finishes" below for the unique cabinet finishes we offer.

Special Finishes and Coatings

Our employees are trained in many special finishes and coatings. Some of the services we offer include: color washing, dragging, stippling, suede and river rock Ralph Lauren finishes, lime washes, Venetian plasters, marbling, stenciling, distressing, antiquing, crackling, metallic paints, earth plasters, environmentally friendly finishes (see "Green,") epoxy finishes, garage floor coatings (see "Garage Floors,") and concrete stamping. If you are looking for a service that we don’t currently provide, we would be happy to refer you to someone who can meet your needs.

Garage Floors

We offer a wide range of garage floor coatings, epoxy finishes, color flake systems, etc.

Power Washing

Power washing is the first step to a quality exterior finish. Not only does it remove dirt, grease, grime, loose paint, and salt-water deposits, it will ensure the longevity of the paint’s bond to your home’s surfaces. After we have performed your exterior painting, we can routinely wash your home to keep the paint looking fresh and clean. Salt-water deposits are the main cause of exterior wear and tear, making maintenance very important in coastal locations like La Jolla, Del Mar, and Pacific Beach.

Paint Stripping

Paint stripping is an unpleasant job that leaves most people frustrated and with poor results. Let our professionals tackle this task for you. We have access to the best stripping products and are confident that there will be little to no damage to your surfaces.

Acoustic "Popcorn" Ceiling Removal

Whether you want to remove your popcorn ceiling or just patch it up, we can do either. After an acoustic ceiling removal, we will re-texture your ceiling to any finish you desire (knockdown, skip-trowel, orange peel, smooth, etc.) We highly recommend that you have your ceiling properly tested for asbestos before considering removal. While we would be happy to perform this service for you for a fee, asbestos-testing kits can also be purchased at most hardware stores.

Wallpaper Removal

Talk about an unpleasant job! Different types of wallpaper require different removal methods. Our employees are trained in these methods and will perform them in a clean and nondestructive manner. We will then prepare your walls for new wallpaper or paint. We don’t offer wallpaper installation at this time, so please contact Don Thompson at (619) 318-8842. He is skilled at wallpaper installation and would be happy to assist you.

Window Cleaning

Window cleaning comes complimentary with every interior/exterior window, glass door, or complete exterior paint job. We also provide scheduled window cleaning services.

Project Supervision

My commitment is to supervise all phases of your job, from the beginning steps of prep to the final touchups. I am in constant daily communication with you, your project’s contractor(s), and my jobsite foreman. I also offer consulting work on your private projects to help ensure the proper methods of the painting industry are being applied. I can go over estimates you’ve received and make sure you are receiving the service you are paying for.

"Hire a Painter for the Day"

Perfect for those little projects you thought you’d have time to do yourself but don’t! We will arrange for one of our painters to work at your home for an 8-hour day of service. Please call for our painter’s hourly rates.

Green Services

Here at S. W. Gillen Painting, we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint. Our goal is the conservation of materials and resources, and to create an indoor environmental quality on all our projects. We recycle our paint thinners, use e-billing whenever possible, and will soon be rolling around town in a new Prius for light loads and job estimates. Right now two of the most exciting, revolutionary products we are working with are the American Clay Plasters and the Yolo Colorhouse Paints. Cutting edge technologies with an eco-friendly edge. Please give us a call to discuss the science, details and potential for your next project. Read more about our sustainable services.

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